where do guinea pigs come from
Where do guinea pigs come from, and how did they become members of our families? That’s the question we’re going to investigate today! Guinea pigs are very popular pets for kids and adults alike. Current estimates suggest as many as 1.3 million guinea pigs may be residing in as many as...
guinea pig names
Choosing the best guinea pig names for your cavies is an important decision! The right name can show off just how cuddly and cute your piggy is, or how cool and unique they are. After all, every guinea pig owner knows that no two guineas are the...
albino guinea pig
Many people assume that albino guinea pig means a white guinea pig with red or pink eyes. Guinea pigs with this coloring are widely sold and owned as pets. But there’s actually been a long standing debate about whether they are...
why do guinea pigs eat their poop
This article answers a common cavy question: why do guinea pigs eat their poop? If you’ve clocked your pet carrying out this questionable behavior, don’t worry, it’s normal and actually a good thing. We’ll explain why. Why do guinea pigs eat their...
why do guinea pigs nibble you
Why do guinea pigs nibble you? Guinea pigs nibble you because they are hungry, they have mistaken you for food, for the fun or chewing or because they are scared. And that's not all! Today we share the reasons why guinea pigs nibble, help you...
how long do guinea pigs live
Guinea pig lifespan ranges from 4 to 8 years on average. These affectionate, friendly pocket pets are generally healthy, but their life expectancy varies a lot. Diet, nutrition, genes, breed, boredom, infections and stress all play a part. Today we'll look at what factors increase...
minipli guinea pig
The MiniPli guinea pig is a new cavy breed being developed primarily in the United Kingdom. Minipli guinea pigs have semi long length coats with tight curls that stand out from the body. Since their numbers are currently low, it’s impossible...
Skinny pig breed
The Skinny Pig is a hairless guinea pig breed. They aren't completely bald, but have a few hairs on their face, legs and feet. Interestingly, despite being hairless guinea pigs, the Skinny Pig comes in a few colors and patterns that show up in the...
my new guinea pig is scared
It is totally normal for a new guinea pig to be scared. After all, we can’t explain to them that this new place and those new faces are all safe and friendly. But what we can do is make sure that they settle in as quickly as possible. Why is my new...
how to hold a guinea pig for the first time
It’s ok to not instinctively know how to hold a guinea pig for the first time. Always pick up a guinea pig by approaching them sideways on, and scooping them up with both hands. Keep one hand under their butt while...