Black Star chickens are the hybrid offspring of a Rhode Island Red rooster, and a Barred Plymouth Rock hen. They gained popularity for being prolific egg layers, and because female chicks can be easily distinguished from male chicks, immediately from hatching. This complete guide to...
Rhode Island Red Chickens are a popular American domestic breed of chicken.
They can weigh up to 8.5 pounds.
Much of their worldwide success is due to their prolific egg-laying abilities. They actually lay eggs all year round.
One chicken can produce up to 300 eggs annually. That’s a lot of omelets!
Raven names can be inspired by their intelligence, appearance, or starring role in fantasy fiction. These black birds don’t make great pets, as they tend to maintain their wild instincts. But that shouldn’t stop you from naming ravens that visit your garden or those you...
Chicken eggs that are blue are a surprisingly polarizing topic, at least for poultry enthusiasts. Most store bought eggs range from an off white to a deep brown, and blue is a color more associated with ducks than hens. Yet this curious color is common...
The best chicken coop will be weather-resistant, easy to clean, and big enough for all of your chickens.
Ideally, it will have a warm, cosy nesting box, roosting bars, and a spacious run for exercise. Although, you can also buy these elements separately if...
What’s it like to have lovebirds as pets?
That’s a question many prospective owners ask before they decide to take on one of these colorful, intriguing, and entertaining little birds as a family pet.
Lovebirds are a popular choice of pet with people who want an interesting companion, but perhaps rent...