cute pet baby deer
Deer names can be inspired by their graceful and beautiful traits, or their agile yet shy nature. Today we’ll share ideas for deer of different types and characteristics. We’ll look at names for bucks and does, as well as cute new baby deer...
pet lemur
Can you own lemurs as pets? Do they settle in nicely, or is it not as simple as it seems. Are exotic pets ever a good idea? These thought-provoking questions aren’t easily answered: the laws that govern exotic animal ownership vary from state to state. On top of that, the question...
bearded dragon bath
Bearded dragon bath time is a key feature of many a beardie’s weekly routine. But do bearded dragons need baths? Do owners do more harm than good, by bathing a reptile that originates from arid areas? Here are the facts behind the how, what, why, and when of bearded dragon bath times. Why...
two cute fox cubs need cool fox names
Good fox names can be as cunning, sly or cute as your pet or toy fox! Today we’ll help you to find the perfect baby fox names for fox cubs of any color or type. We’ll be inspired by famous characters, the fox’s...
wolf spider
Hobo spider vs wolf spider! Can you tell these two spiders apart? Although they both look similar, there are key differences when it comes to their appearance, venom, behavior, speed, reproduction and habitats. You can sometimes find these arachnids in the home, so if you...
pet snail
Snails are adorable little creatures that make fascinating pets. If well kept they will be active, inquisitive and even interactive with the whole family. A great pet deserves a cool and unique title, so we’ve put together the ultimate list of pet snail names. Helping you to pick the...
best poison dart frog pet - dendrobates tinctorius matecho
The best poison dart frog pet is the Dendrobates tinctorius Matecho. My bright yellow and black frogs are confident, very active and enthusiastically try to climb onto my hands or jump into my lap whenever I open their bioactive tank. Dendrobates tinctorius are large...
pet snail
A pet snail is a great low maintenance house guest. It costs very little to set up a simple snail habitat so you can observe these cute gastropods at close quarters. Many people are surprised to discover how endearing a pet...
baby leopard
Leopards are graceful, agile and utterly beautiful. It’s no wonder we’re all so obsessed with them! Sadly, due to laws and a healthy amount of logic, a pet leopard isn’t likely to wander through your door in the near future. But there are loads of...
unicorn names
Thinking of bringing home a pet unicorn? Okay, probably not. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t have plenty of potential uses for unicorn names! From great horse or pony names, to names for your favorite toys, using a unicorn themed name is great fun. And boy do we...

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