Skinny pig breed
The Skinny Pig is a hairless guinea pig breed. They aren't completely bald, but have a few hairs on their face, legs and feet. Interestingly, despite being hairless guinea pigs, the Skinny Pig comes in a few colors and patterns that show up in the...
can guinea pigs eat blueberries
Can guinea pigs eat blueberries? The simple answer is yes. Blueberries can be a great addition to a healthy guinea pig diet. However, just like humans, guinea pigs need a well-rounded diet to truly thrive. Imagine surviving off of blueberries alone! Guinea pigs should only be given blueberries—or any kind of...
guinea pig videos
We've collected some of the best guinea pig videos online to share with you. Guineas are sweet rodents who make delightful and loving pets. Many people enjoy the company of a guinea pig, and lucky for us, love sharing their adorable antics on the internet! We've scoured the internet and found twenty...
How to weigh my guinea pig?
Welcome to our complete guide to guinea pig weight! Helping you to answer that important question – how much should a guinea pig weigh? Guinea pigs' roundness is integral to their appeal. They're supposed to be a funny little oval shape, and it's one of their cutest features. But when...
boy guinea pig names
Welcome to our great guide to the best boy guinea pig names. With hundreds of awesome ideas for naming your male guinea pigs, and even choosing names that match each other. We'll help you make your final naming decision with top tips for brainstorming and finding your very own...
can guinea pigs eat strawberries
Can guinea pigs eat strawberries? Yes, strawberries are a safe, sweet and tasty snack for your guinea pig. Strawberries contain lots of vitamin C and other nutrients, but because they are high in sugar, think of them in the same category...
guinea pig food
If you need guidance on guinea pig food, you’ve come to the right place! You probably know that nutrition is vital when it comes to maintaining your own health. Well, the nutritional needs of your pet are also incredibly important, even...
minipli guinea pig
The MiniPli guinea pig is a new cavy breed being developed primarily in the United Kingdom. Minipli guinea pigs have semi long length coats with tight curls that stand out from the body. Since their numbers are currently low, it’s impossible...
can guinea pigs eat pumpkin
Can guinea pigs eat pumpkin? Small amounts of pumpkin are a safe occasional treat for guinea pigs. Pumpkin contains vitamin C, which is important for guinea pigs. But it also contains sugars which can make them unwell. Is...
how long does it take to tame a guinea pig
If you’re new to cavy ownership, and wondering how long does it take to tame a guinea pig, then we’ll answer all your questions in this article. Including ‘do guinea pigs like to be held?’ and ‘how do guinea pigs show affection?’ Guinea pigs...