It’s ok to not instinctively know how to hold a guinea pig for the first time.
Always pick up a guinea pig by approaching them sideways on, and scooping them up with both hands.
Keep one hand under their butt while...
Hamster vs guinea pig may be the hardest decision any wannabe pet owner could make. How do you choose between the two cutest pets in the world? We understand you completely.
Hamsters and guinea pigs tend to look similar to the untrained eye. But, to an animal lover the difference...
The Skinny Pig is a hairless guinea pig breed. They aren't completely bald, but have a few hairs on their face, legs and feet. Interestingly, despite being hairless guinea pigs, the Skinny Pig comes in a few colors and patterns that show up in the...
If you need guidance on guinea pig food, you’ve come to the right place!
You probably know that nutrition is vital when it comes to maintaining your own health.
Well, the nutritional needs of your pet are also incredibly important, even...
It is totally normal for a new guinea pig to be scared.
After all, we can’t explain to them that this new place and those new faces are all safe and friendly.
But what we can do is make sure that they settle in as quickly as possible.
Why is my new...
Can guinea pigs eat strawberries?
Yes, strawberries are a safe, sweet and tasty snack for your guinea pig.
Strawberries contain lots of vitamin C and other nutrients, but because they are high in sugar, think of them in the same category...
Welcome to our great guide to the best boy guinea pig names. With hundreds of awesome ideas for naming your male guinea pigs, and even choosing names that match each other. We'll help you make your final naming decision with top tips for brainstorming and finding your very own...
Cute guinea pig names are perfect for pet piggies. Today we will share dozens of the cutest names for guinea pigs. Along with some wonderful ways to come up with your own gorgeous guinea pig names. We will share lists of names for different colored...
Why do guinea pigs chatter their teeth, and how do I stop them from doing it!
If you’ve just heard your guinea pig chatter its teeth for the first time, you were probably a little surprised.
This low, protracted clicking sound is fierce. And that’s exactly what it is designed to...
Why is my guinea pig scared of me and how do I help her to relax?
Guinea pigs in the wild are prey animals, and spend a fair amount of their time avoiding being eaten.
So it’s hardly surprising that they are a little skittish, even in our safe domestic...