If you’re new to cavy ownership, and wondering how long does it take to tame a guinea pig, then we’ll answer all your questions in this article. Including ‘do guinea pigs like to be held?’ and ‘how do guinea pigs show affection?’
Guinea pigs...
Where do guinea pigs come from, and how did they become members of our families?
That’s the question we’re going to investigate today!
Guinea pigs are very popular pets for kids and adults alike.
Current estimates suggest as many as 1.3 million guinea pigs may be residing in as many as...
Why do guinea pigs sneeze? Is it something to worry about, or just a normal part of their behavior?
Guinea pigs almost all sneeze at some point in their lives.
They might sneeze just once or twice ever, or a few times every week.
And the occasional sneeze, or even sneezing fit,...
Can guinea pigs eat strawberries?
Yes, strawberries are a safe, sweet and tasty snack for your guinea pig.
Strawberries contain lots of vitamin C and other nutrients, but because they are high in sugar, think of them in the same category...
Having guinea pigs as pets is popular for a good reason. Not only are they totally adorable, they are in many ways easy to fit into most people’s daily routine.
Keeping a pet like a dog or a cat can be both costly and time-consuming, especially with today’s hectic lifestyles.
We've collected some of the best guinea pig videos online to share with you.
Guineas are sweet rodents who make delightful and loving pets.
Many people enjoy the company of a guinea pig, and lucky for us, love sharing their adorable antics on the internet!
We've scoured the internet and found twenty...