albino rabbit
Albino rabbits have white fur and red or blue eyes. Several domestic bunny breeds carry the gene for albinism. Occasionally albino rabbits are born in the wild, but in most habitats it makes them easy pickings for predators. In our homes...
long haired bunny
There are many types of long haired bunny. Each one has their own unique temperament, which means there is a long haired bunny for every kind of pet parent. Some long haired rabbits are also slightly less high maintenance than the...
The essential guide for anyone who has a rabbit with diarrhea. Find out why diarrhea in bunnies occurs, how to prevent it, plus home treatment and medicine. If your bunny has soft-looking poop for the first time, you probably have some questions, such as “Why is my bunny’s poop soft?”...
can rabbits eat mint
Can rabbits eat mint, or is it bad for them? In this article we take a look at whether mint is a safe snack for bunnies, which bits of the plant are best, and how to make sure you don’t accidentally make your pet sick.
rabbit care
Learning the best rabbit care is an important part of welcoming this pet into your home. Rabbits are social animals that need safe housing, daily exercise and mental stimulation. You should handle your rabbit from a young age, to make...
why do rabbits have tails
Ever wondered “why do rabbits have tails?” Rabbits have shorter tails than most mammals, with a shock of white fur underneath. Rabbits’ distinctive tails help them escape from predators and also work as an alarm signal to other rabbits from their warren. So far from being small...
wild rabbit diet
Feeding a rabbit is fairly simple, but there are a few important rules you need to follow. To be healthy a rabbit needs large quantities of hay or growing grass. Rabbits also do well on additional quantities of fresh vegetables or green plants...
When your rabbit is sick, it’s good to get a diagnosis and know that there is a treatment available. But having the treatment, and getting it into your rabbit are two very different things!   I’ve recently had to treat several rabbits with Rabbit Panacur...
how big do dutch rabbits get
Dutch rabbits weigh 3.5 to 5.5 pounds. The ideal weight for show rabbits is 4.5 pounds. Dutch rabbits from some pet lines might fall outside the typical weight range, but a bunny who falls very wide of it might have an underlying health problem...
I have a bunny on a leash! Do you want to have one too? Let’s take a look at the benefits of walking your rabbit, and how to do it safely and in a way that’s fun for both of you. Including video...