can you keep a wild rabbit as a pet
Can you keep a wild rabbit as a pet, or is taking bunnies from the wild unwise? In this article, we explore all the pros and cons of keeping wild bunnies as pets. Can You Keep A Wild Rabbit As A Pet?
dwarf rabbits
It’s a fact—rabbits are cute, cuddly, and make great pets!  Dwarf rabbits are perhaps the cutest of them all! No longer exiled to outdoor hutches, more and more rabbits are living alongside us in our homes. Dwarf rabbits are especially popular as small animal companions.   But do they make happy and...
how big do dutch rabbits get
Dutch rabbits weigh 3.5 to 5.5 pounds. The ideal weight for show rabbits is 4.5 pounds. Dutch rabbits from some pet lines might fall outside the typical weight range, but a bunny who falls very wide of it might have an underlying health problem...
overweight rabbit
An overweight rabbit carries too much body fat, which makes their ribs difficult or impossible to feel under their skin. Overweight rabbits are vulnerable to complications of being overweight, including arthritis, fly strike, and bumblefoot. Rabbit obesity is also linked to having a shortened...
Bunny Names - All The Best Rabbit Names In One Place
The best bunny names show off their cute, cheeky, curious and cuddly characteristics! Today we share lists of bunny names for every breed, from Giant Flemish Rabbits to Dwarf Lops. We share ideas and inspiration for coming up with your own unique rabbit...
how much do rabbits cost
Rabbits cost as little as $20 from rescue shelters to over $200 for a rabbit of a specialty breed from championship show lines. The lifetime cost of a rabbit also includes a hutch, food and bedding, veterinary care, holiday and miscellaneous costs including toys and brushes. How Much Do Rabbits Cost? Shopping...
albino rabbit
Albino rabbits have white fur and red or blue eyes. Several domestic bunny breeds carry the gene for albinism. Occasionally albino rabbits are born in the wild, but in most habitats it makes them easy pickings for predators. In our homes...
can rabbits eat tomatoes
Can rabbits eat tomatoes? Rabbits can eat tomatoes in small quantities on occasion. Rabbits need a diet high in fiber and low in sugar, so tomatoes don’t have the same health benefits for bunnies that they hold for humans. Tomato leaves are poisonous to rabbits. Rabbits And Tomatoes It is easy to assume...
how big do rex rabbits get
How big do Rex rabbits get? The Rex rabbit is a medium sized breed that generally won’t weigh more than 10.5 lbs when fully grown. The Mini Rex is even smaller, weighing 4.5 lbs at most when fully grown. Rex rabbit breeds usually take between 6 and...