We Love Fancy Rats. They Are Playful, Funny And Very Sweet.
The Cute Fancy Rat Is Adored By Homes Around The World. But Is This Lively Critter The Right Choice For You?
Fancy rats can make great pets, given the right breeding, habitat and care.
They are endlessly entertaining, and...
In this article Shannon Cutts takes the strain out of shopping for the perfect hamster starter kit.
All of these products were carefully and independently selected by The Squeaks and Nibbles team. If you decide to make a purchase from one of the links marked by an asterisk, we may...
Are rabbits rodents? Upon initial comparison to rodents such as mice, rats, squirrels, and marmots, rabbits seem to have all the defining characteristics that would place them in the rodent category.
It is no wonder many people assume rabbits are rodents.
But the truth is, there is much more to our...
Even Tiny Pets Need Quite A Lot Of Kit. So What Is The Best Hamster Stuff For Your Furry Friend?
We Look At The Top Options To Help You Customize Your Hamster’s Environment.
Buying everything your hamster needs is great fun. But also a big responsibility.
Yes, your new furry friend is...
Your kids want a pet, but which are the best pets for kids?
OK, so your children just love animals and are begging for one of their own. We get it!
Kids and pets can be great companions, growing together and forming a special bond.
Children can also learn a lot from...
Golden Retriever vs Labrador. Labrador vs Golden Retriever.
The decision is going around and around in your head.
Which is the best breed for your new pet?
Well, don’t worry! We’ve taken a balanced look at both, to compare their characteristics and help you make a decision.
So you want to add a...
Do you have a bunny pet in your future?
If so, it’s best to familiarize yourself with domestic rabbits and their needs.
Looking after rabbits, though they are small, is not as simple as you may think. After all, bunnies don’t just chew carrots and say, “Eh, what’s up, Doc?”
In this...
Thinking of bringing a Boxador into the family? Then check out our complete guide to the Boxer Lab mix.
Our dogs are our best friends.
So it’s hardly surprising that different canine breeds and mixes really pique our interest.
Of course, our lengthy fascination with pups of all kinds has led to...
Welcome to our guide to the very best pink hamster cages!
Hamsters as pets can make for precious memories indeed, especially for young children who are experiencing caring for a pet for the very first time.
In fact, many children who love hamsters grow up to be adults who still...
Welcome to our round-up of the best chicken breeds. Internationally, there are thought to be around 500 different chicken breeds.
Common chicken breeds include:
Rhode Island Red
ISA Brown
Barred Rock
Different chickens have different qualities. From docile temperaments to unusual colored eggs or prolific laying powers! This...