The best brush for Huskies is out there, and we've found it!
Great grooming tools will help you keep on top of all that fur when your Siberian Husky begins blowing his coat.
In this guide to choosing the best brush for Husky pups, we look at the range of grooming tools...
Are you worried you have a sick rabbit?
Like all animals, rabbits are prone to various diseases, but often it is hard to know when a bunny is unwell.
In the wild, it is natural for a sick rabbit to hide any signs of illness.
As they are a prey species, showing...
Black Star chickens are the hybrid offspring of a Rhode Island Red rooster, and a Barred Plymouth Rock hen. They gained popularity for being prolific egg layers, and because female chicks can be easily distinguished from male chicks, immediately from hatching. This complete guide to...
Could your fur-friend have cat herpes, without you knowing?
Feline herpesvirus is a surprisingly common infection. Also known as feline rhinotracheitis, this is an important cause of recurring sore eyes in cats.
But it’s also a sneaky virus, which enters a carrier state.
This means cats may appear healthy but at times...
The best cat food for weight loss helps them gradually shed ounces whilst still providing all the nutrients they need and keeping them feeling full.
Obesity is a growing problem among pet cats, but a diet rich in high quality protein and low on between meal snacks will help them...
Humans have relied on domesticated horse breeds for millenia - to hunt food, farm, travel, wage war, and simply for recreation or companionship.
So it’s hardly surprising that there are well over 500 distinct breeds of horse today , each with their own registries...
What do lizards eat? A lizard's ideal diet varies depending on their exact species.
In the wild, many lizard species are opportunistic feeders. So, their diet will change through the seasons, based on what foods are available.
The diet of a...
The Bichon Poodle mix is a cross between a Bichon Frise, and a Poodle. Usually a Toy Poodle. Bichon Poodles are also called Bichpoos or Poochons. They are cuddly, affectionate, long-lived companions.
Bichon Poodles are great dogs in the right kind of home. They...
Backyard chickens have been increasingly popular over the past decade. People want chickens as pets, to provide eggs, offer company, and because they’re just very cute!
But, backyard chickens also take a lot of work. Chickens can be smelly, eat things you don’t want...
There are so many types of lobsters, it’s amazing anyone is able to keep track! Well, today we are going to give it a go! Whether your end goal is to expand your mind, dine in style or delight in the company of a lobster pet, please...