curly hair tarantula
This comprehensive guide has everything you need to know if you’re considering a curly hair tarantula as a pet. From how to look after them, to whether you can handle them, and how long they live. Where do curly hair tarantulas come...
wolf spider
Hobo spider vs wolf spider! Can you tell these two spiders apart? Although they both look similar, there are key differences when it comes to their appearance, venom, behavior, speed, reproduction and habitats. You can sometimes find these arachnids in the home, so if you...
elephant names
Check out these cute elephant names! We've got hundreds of ideas for names inspired by the awesome elephant, giving you a fun way to name your pet. We've found names inspired by elephants' color, their natural locations and even famous elephants. Contents
red footed tortoise diet
Welcome to our informative article about the red footed tortoise diet! The South American red footed tortoise is one of the more popular pet tortoises today. While these outgoing and social tortoises generally acclimate well to captive life, they do have some specialized care requirements – one of which is the...
cute panda laying in a tree
Panda names can be as cute, cuddly and silly as they are! These adorable black and white bears are funny, clumsy and surprisingly active. Their names can be inspired by their nature, characteristics, colors or behaviors. They can also come...
best poison dart frog pet - dendrobates tinctorius matecho
The best poison dart frog pet is the Dendrobates tinctorius Matecho. My bright yellow and black frogs are confident, very active and enthusiastically try to climb onto my hands or jump into my lap whenever I open their bioactive tank. Dendrobates tinctorius are large...
cute pet baby deer
Deer names can be inspired by their graceful and beautiful traits, or their agile yet shy nature. Today we’ll share ideas for deer of different types and characteristics. We’ll look at names for bucks and does, as well as cute new baby deer...
handling a crested gecko
Do crested geckos need UV bars or is it another fad that’s wasting your time? If your crested gecko is in a bioactive terrarium the answer is a hard yes. For your enclosed environment to thrive, your plants and therefore you crested gecko need a...
two cute fox cubs need cool fox names
Good fox names can be as cunning, sly or cute as your pet or toy fox! Today we’ll help you to find the perfect baby fox names for fox cubs of any color or type. We’ll be inspired by famous characters, the fox’s...
bearded dragon bath
Bearded dragon bath time is a key feature of many a beardie’s weekly routine. But do bearded dragons need baths? Do owners do more harm than good, by bathing a reptile that originates from arid areas? Here are the facts behind the how, what, why, and when of bearded dragon bath times. Why...

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