parakeet names
Check out these Parakeet names that are fun, flamboyant, colorful and beautiful! We will also give you some ideas for creating unique names for Parakeets. Why not make a shortlist of your favorites to help you choose your precious bird’s new name! Or go with something more traditional and...
what do lovebirds eat
If you are here because you are searching for information about what do lovebirds eat, this article has all the information you need about feeding your new feathered pet! Lovebirds, like all pet birds, have specific dietary needs. Keeping a pet lovebird healthy takes more than just refilling the seed...
parrot names
Parrot names need to last a lifetime, and for most pet parrots that's going to be a very long time indeed! Whether you are naming an African Grey, Macaw, Cockatoo or Parakeet, we've got some great ideas for you. Today we'll share cool parrot names...
mynah bird
Mynah birds are intelligent, talkative and lovable. Also known as Myna birds, they grow from 12 to inches tall as adults and can live for up to 25 years. The beautiful Mynah bird is a member of the Starling family and come all the...
rhode island red chicken names
Choosing Rhode Island Red chicken names for a whole flock is no mean feat! In fact, some people are pretty skeptical about naming backyard chickens at all. But these days, lots of chicken keepers can afford to be a bit more...
baby chicken
A baby chicken can be taken home just one day after being born. Baby chicks don’t need an extended period with their mom to ensure they survive and thrive. So people looking for baby chicks for sale need to know how...
baby owl with big eyes looking at the camera
Owl names are great fun to find. Owls have so many distinguishing physical traits and characteristics to inspire unique names. Their nocturnal habits, big beautiful eyes, ability to rotate their neck to a 270-degree angle, and legendary mythology as a symbol of wisdom and mystery...
types of cockatiels
There are at least 18 different types of cockatiels. Their colors are the main feature that sets them apart from one another. The most common type of cockatiel is called the ‘normal grey’. But some types are very rare and highly prized indeed.
Rhode Island Red Chickens
Rhode Island Red Chickens are a popular American domestic breed of chicken. They can weigh up to 8.5 pounds. Much of their worldwide success is due to their prolific egg-laying abilities. They actually lay eggs all year round. One chicken can produce up to 300 eggs annually. That’s a lot of omelets! Quick...
cute pet hawk
Hawk names for pet or working hawks are important. Your hawk is likely to learn their name, so it needs to be easy to understand and clear to say. Today we’ll share lots of great ideas for naming your hawk. Including ideas inspired by their...

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